מאמרים וסקירות

Freud on Sexual Aetiology of the Neuroses

Freud on Sexual Aetiology of the Neuroses from Shiva Kumar Srinivasan  

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ההרצאה של אורה זילברשטיין

היא לא דומה: נינה קולטארט והזרם העצמאי הבריטי בפסיכואנליזה הרצאה שניתנה ב13.4.18 במסגרת סדרת "מפגשים בין השורות " ההרצאה ניתנה

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New Approach Advised to Treat Schizophrenia

More than two million people in the United States have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, and the treatment for most of

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Mardi J. Horowitz – Short-Term Dynamic Therapy of Stress

ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT Early in the 1970s, my colleagues and I conducted clinical investigations of persons who were struggling to

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Recommended Readings for Mental Health Professionals

One of the easiest ways to learn about new developments and polish your skills is to read some of the

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Economic Globalization and Mental Health / Neil Altman

Economic Globalization and Mental Health Individual suffering in social context Economic globalization is much in the news these days, most

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The Psychobiology Of Parenthood

The pleasures and pains, the gratifications and frustrations of parenthood are existential components in the adult life of humans. In

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The Personality by Joseph F. Rychlak

It is frequently overlooked that today’s conception of a cause is only one of several used earlier in history. In

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Dynamic Supportive Psychotherapy

Supportive psychotherapy is widely practiced and may in fact be the treatment provided to most psychiatric patients. In the early

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Cognitive and Behavioral Theories of Depression

Author: Lynn P. Rehm, Ph.D. In 1928 Ivanov-Smolensky, a physician working in Pavlov’s labs, reported on his observations of a

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Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression

Goals of IPT with Depression A goal of IPT is to relieve acute depressive symptoms by helping the patient to

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Short-term therapy generally has three goals: modifying or removing the symptom complaint for which help is being sought, which is

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