This book provides the reader with the most creative and most effective approaches in regard to the treatment of the basic psychopathological disorders that a psychotherapist is likely to encounter written by outstanding therapeutic practitioners. Each chapter is the sum and integration of the therapist’s understanding of the essence of psychotherapeutic practice, the nature of the disorder under consideration and what he has learned over long years of experience working with patients of the particular type that he is discussing, as well as what he is as a person. (659 pp).
The Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy with Specific Disorders
הצטרפות לרשימת הדיוור
אם אתם אנשי מקצוע המעוניינים ליטול חלק בפעילויות האיגוד ורוצים בקידום מטרותיו, הנכם מוזמנים להרשם כחברים